
Solar Panel Installation and Maintenance

Solar Panel Installation and Maintenance

There are plenty of projects that are easy to DIY. You can make some pretty nice Christmas gifts without too much trouble. If you’re up for a challenge you can probably DIY some impressive home improvements, like a new fence or some planter boxes.

If you are incredibly ambitious, you may be able to DIY a solar energy system. That is, if you are prepared to take on the job of engineer, construction worker, electrician, researcher, permitting specialist, site surveyor, technician, accountant, energy expert, mechanic, roofer, inspector, and installer.

The truth is, solar is an incredibly complex process with a lot of moving parts and behind the scenes work that is hard to do yourself. An incorrectly completed solar system will result in less efficient solar production, reduced ROI, and potential hazards and safety issues. Professionals have access to the resources needed to design every piece of your system to fit the unique characteristics of your home, from the type of solar inverter installed to the exact placement of the panels.

Solar Panel Installation Process

The many pieces of a solar system have to be installed precisely not only to ensure efficiency, but to meet the codes and requirements for a safe solar system. Installers will position a mounting system on your roof or set up your ground mount; secure your panels to the mounting system to ensure stability, safety, and peak production; wire the solar panels together and connect them to your inverter, microinverter, or power optimizers; and test your system to make sure it is operating properly. Your solar installer will ensure that all necessary permits have been obtained, and that your system is up to code.

Solar Panel Maintenance

After your system is installed, tested, and approved, you are ready to go! One of the perks of solar is that the panels require very minimal maintenance to continue operating at peak performance. Your monitoring software will bring awareness to any issues with your system that may need attention (see our blog or video on System Monitoring for Residential Solar Panels for more information). 

Unless your system runs into any unexpected issues, the most maintenance you will have to do is an occasional cleaning. If you give your system a quick visual inspection every so often, you may notice a buildup of pollen, leaves, or other natural debris that could be blocking sunlight from reaching your solar panels. All you need to do in this case is give the panels a quick spray with a hose to clear the debris and they should be back to working order.

If you do run across any major unexpected issues with any part of your system, give your installer a call. They will be able to help resolve the issues through maintenance or repair. Plus, if any part of your system fails to live up to its warranty or performance guarantee, your repair or replacement should be covered by the manufacturer.

Decades of Hassle-Free Clean Energy

If your solar energy system is designed and installed by professionals, and if you are attentive to the state of your system and the occasional upkeep it requires, your system will produce energy for your home for decades. Plus, your partnership with a solar installer ensures that you will always have access to professional maintenance, repairs, and replacement should your system require it. 

If you are looking into solar, we would love to help design and install the perfect system for your home. Additionally, if you already have solar and are running into any issues, we offer service, repair, and replacement, even for systems that were not installed by our company. We would be happy to get your system back to peak performance.

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